American Civics with Michael Farris is Live!

Aug 3 / Ian Reid

Today is a special day, because it marks the official launch of one of the most important education efforts in years.

(What, you ask, am I talking about? I’m so glad you asked! Also, yes, our editors asked if this text was supposed to be small. It’s a design decision, ok Rob? Anyway. Education efforts.)
Today, American Civics with Michael Farris is officially live! This course is important to me (Ian, the founder of Luminn) because it represents the sort of value we (at Luminn) want to bring to your home.

"So, what's this all about anyway?" (great question!)

The average parent is inundated with media that presents countless dangers to their household. Explicit content. Rewritten History. Bad attitudes and influences. And as a parent myself, I felt the need to create an alternative to those influences.

At Luminn we want to be your partner. Our objective is to help you provide your household the education and entertainment tools that lead your children to flourish.

American Civics with Michael Farris is the first of many products we have planned to help you in that mission. I personally studied Constitutional Law under Michael Farris, and I can testify that he is one of our generation’s best educators. This course is aimed at high school students and their parents. But, over the coming weeks we have many more exciting tools and resources we plan to share (most of them free).

We sincerely hope that American Civics serves you and your family in understanding civics, exploring your constitutional freedoms, and learning the history of this incredible country on a deeper level than you ever have before!
Write your awesome label here.

Oh. And we have a few special deals for you during launch week. . .

In celebration of the launch of American Civics with Michael Farris, we are also offering several launch-week bonuses:
  • The first 500 students get free access to exclusive zoom Q&As every month with Michael Farris.
  • Everyone who signs up for a free account at gets free access to BOTH Episode 1 and Episode 5
  • Order before August 15th and use code “LAUNCH15” for 15% off of the sale price. (Goes up to $299 after August 15th.)
And remember, anyone who signs up for the single-family plan gets:
  • 24/7 Lifetime access to the platform
  • Cinematic documentary lectures
  • Self-Assessment quizzes
  • Essay Prompts (based on the trivium)
  • 600+ page digital reader featuring important primary documents, essays, and papers that go in-depth into the issues of each learning unit.
  • Two end-of-semester exams

Please reach out if you have any questions whatsoever. We’re here for you and want to set you up for success. Here’s to making the world a brighter place for our families!

-Ian Reid
(Former student of Michael Farris and founder of